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Writer's pictureDarci Lang

Unplug, Unplugging, and Unplugged (July 2024)

Sometimes, the best way to recharge is to unplug. - Chris Butler

What a great quote! These last six months have been blessed with an amazing speaking schedule, so I thank my clients, audience members, and support team for their endless support. Now, it’s time for me to unplug and recharge in preparation for a very busy fall speaking lineup. 

I’ve shown up for the last six months—in every conceivable way. We just finished a much-needed six-month home renovation. I live best in a settled, structured environment, and living within the chaos of renovations has been challenging. Add to that the blessing of a very full spring and all that goes on the home front. Lots of people I love around me are challenged with health and mental health issues, and it’s been a minute. 

Unplugging is hard, I know. So, as I drop the mic and unplug for July, I know it will take a few days to bring my busy brain and body down to a relaxed state. I don’t know about you readers, but it takes me a few days for my body to realize it has nothing to plan, no airplane to catch, no mental, physical and spiritual preparation, or event to pack for. Once that happens, I can relax into a new flow. 

What is the new flow? It’s looking in the mirror and asking, “What do I need?” and taking the time to honour that and answer. It’s meditation, yoga, and prayer in the wonder of the great outdoors. It’s listening to healing, soothing playlists, podcasts, and audiobooks. It’s taking out a stack of decorating magazines or reading something that lets my mind escape. It’s looking up at the clouds, taking time to appreciate everything and everyone around me, and knowing my rescue cat and dog are very happy that I am home for the summer. 

Unplugging in the backyard

In my blog this month, I will share my “joys of losing my cellphone” story, so stay tuned!

Have an amazing summer!

Warm summer hugs

Darci Lang Signature
Darci Lang

Thank you to those who have ordered my books to add to their summer reading lists. I am very grateful for your business.

Darci Lang Books

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